How to Treat Colored Hair at Home

Ever looked into the mirror only to be met by a stranger? Ah yes, that’s you, post a hair-dye job, wondering how to treat colored hair at home. No, it’s not a trick mirror, nor have you stepped into an alternate universe. You’ve merely stepped into the vibrant world of colored hair. Now, you’re tasked with the challenge of maintaining that rich, dazzling color all while keeping your locks luscious and healthy.

How to treat colored hair at home

Understanding the Basics of How to Treat Colored Hair at Home

Here’s a shocking revelation – colored hair is a bit of a diva! It’s not satisfied with the regular shampoo and condition routine that your virgin hair was perfectly content with. No, no! Your newly colored tresses demand more attention, and who are we to deny them?

Why does colored hair require different care? Well, the coloring process involves opening up the hair cuticle to allow the color to penetrate, which can lead to dryness and damage if not properly cared for. It’s like hosting a party in your hair – sure, the guests (the hair color) bring life and excitement, but they also leave a bit of a mess behind!

How to Treat Colored Hair at Home: Step-by-Step Guide

Choosing the Right Hair Care Products

The first rule in the “How to treat colored hair at Home” handbook is selecting the right products. You wouldn’t fuel a sports car with low-grade gasoline, would you? Think of color-safe shampoos and conditioners as your high-octane fuel. They’re designed to cleanse and condition your hair without stripping the color. Look for ones that are sulfate-free as sulfates can be too harsh for your colored hair.

The Correct Washing Technique

Next, we need to talk about washing. This isn’t a daily rinse-and-repeat situation. Overwashing will fade your hair color faster. Wash your hair just 2-3 times a week, and when you do, use lukewarm water. Hot water is your hair color’s arch-nemesis, causing your hair cuticle to open up and let that precious color escape.

Conditioning Your Colored Hair

Now let’s talk about conditioning. The best way to deep condition hair is like the secret sauce in your hair care routine. A good conditioner will act like a protective barrier, sealing the cuticle back up after washing and locking in that color like a vault.DIY hair masks are a great way in providing nourishment and hydration, helping to restore and maintain the vibrancy of your colored hair.

Say No to Heat

Finally, we must address the elephant in the room, heat tools. They’re like that friend you love hanging out with but always gets you into a bit of trouble. Heat can damage your colored hair and cause it to fade faster. So, make sure you use a heat protectant spray and always use the lowest heat setting possible. Consider embracing your hair’s natural texture sometimes – your hair will thank you, and who knows, you might just fall in love with your natural look.

The Importance of Regular Trims

When it comes to colored hair, your friendly neighborhood hairdresser isn’t just the artist behind your fabulous new hue. Regular trims are crucial for maintaining the health of your colored hair. It’s like pruning a tree, removing the dead ends to allow for more vibrant growth. It might seem counterintuitive to cut your hair when you’re trying to keep it healthy, but trust us, your colored hair will thank you for it.

Protecting Your Hair from Sun and Heat Damage

Now, let’s talk about the sun. Yes, we all love a good sunny day, but your colored hair? Not so much. The sun’s rays can fade your color faster than a summer romance, and cause dryness and damage. So, consider wearing a hat or using a UV protection spray for your hair when you’re out in the sun for extended periods. It’s the hair care equivalent of sunblock – just don’t try to use it on your nose!

Staying Hydrated and Eating a Balanced Diet

Believe it or not, how to treat colored hair at home also involves your diet. Yes, even your hair has nutritional needs! Drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced diet rich in protein, iron, and vitamins can help keep your hair healthy from the inside out. Think of it as fuel for your hair. Poor nutrition is like trying to run a marathon on an empty stomach – you might make it a few miles, but eventually, you’ll start to feel the burn.

Swim Smart

Chlorine can wreak havoc on colored hair. Before taking a dip in the pool, wet your hair with clean water and apply a leave-in conditioner to create a barrier against the chlorine.

Oiling Your Hair

Oiling your hair is an essential part of maintaining its health, especially when it’s color-treated. Aim to oil your hair once or twice a week, depending on your hair type and needs. Natural oils like coconut, argan, and jojoba oil are great options for color-treated hair, as they provide nourishment and help maintain the vibrancy of your hair color.

Use a Clarifying Shampoo Sparingly

If you notice a buildup of product on your hair, use a clarifying shampoo once every 2-3 weeks. This can help remove residue without overly stripping your hair color. Remember to follow up with a deep conditioning treatment to keep your hair hydrated and healthy.

Additional Tips and Tricks for Preserving Your Color at Home

  • Use a silk or satin pillowcase

Silk and satin pillowcases create less friction on your hair, helping to prevent damage and color fading while you sleep.

  • Be gentle when brushing

Always use a wide-tooth comb or a brush specifically designed for color-treated hair to avoid breakage and color fading.

  • Wait before your first wash

After coloring your hair, wait at least 48 hours before washing it. This allows the color to be set properly and helps it last longer


We’ve navigated the colorful labyrinth of how to treat colored hair at home together, exploring everything from understanding the unique needs of colored hair to choosing the right products, washing techniques, and much more. We’ve armed ourselves with the essential tools and knowledge needed to keep your colored hair looking vibrant and feeling healthy. Regular trims, protecting our tresses from sun and heat damage, and even maintaining a balanced diet and hydration have also found their rightful place in our comprehensive guide. For a more detailed insight into hair care tips for colored hair, you can check this YouTuber’s video.

Navigating the realm of colored hair care might seem like scaling Mount Everest at first, but remember – every journey starts with a single step. With patience, consistency, and a dash of fun, you’ll soon become a pro at treating colored hair at home. After all, your vibrant locks are worth every bit of the effort. So, here’s to embracing this colorful journey – may your hair always be as radiant and full of life as you are!

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